RedaKai 2011

Animation Action Adventure Sci-Fi

The series revolves around Ky, a 15-year-old student of ancient martial arts, who embarks on an epic quest to find the Kairu, a primordial alien energy source. Aided by his friends Maya and...

All Titles
  • CA: RedaKai RedaKai
  • CA: RedaKai: Conquer the Kairu RedaKai: Conquer the Kairu
  • PL: Redakai: W poszukiwaniu Kairu Redakai: W poszukiwaniu Kairu
  • RU: Рэдакай: Битва за Кайру Рэдакай: Битва за Кайру
  • UA: RedaKai: Conquer the Kairu RedaKai: Conquer the Kairu
Released 16 Jul 2011
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